

English – Writing

It is our intent at Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School to provide pupils with a high-quality education in English that will teach pupils to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively.

With regards to writing, we intend for pupils at BGL to write with confidence and for a variety of purposes and audiences; clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style as required.  We aim to provide a wide range of opportunities for writing in order to ensure that pupils write daily.  A BGL pupil will develop a strong understanding of grammar and punctuation and will acquire strategies to enable them to become independent learners in English (spelling rules and patterns and how to tackle unfamiliar words when reading). We encourage pupils to take pride in their writing, following the Penpals handwriting scheme and to present their work to a high standard. Ultimately we aim to create a positive writing culture in school where writing is promoted, enjoyed and considered a ‘pleasure’ for all pupils. 


At BGL writing is an important part of all children’s learning and progress.

All pupils at BGL will receive a daily English lesson. Units of work are planned that follow the teaching sequence; reading and analysing, gathering content, planning and writing and cover a variety of genres and literary styles. Short writing opportunities are planned for and at least one longer independent writing task is included in each unit of work.  

Pupils is in EYFS and KS1 (and those needing further Phonics support in higher year groups) have daily phonics sessions, following Letters and Sounds. At BGL we follow the No-Nonsense spelling scheme For Year 2-6, delivering 2/3 sessions per week. Spellings are sent home weekly and then tested in school.   

All classes in school have an English working wall to aid pupils and guide them through the process of reading and analysing, gathering content, planning and writing. 

Work is differentiated as required and needed.  Teachers and TAs to support ALL pupils on a regular basis; providing intervention, support and challenge that individuals require to advance their learning in all areas of English.  

Grammar and Punctuation is taught alongside the units of work, often as starters to lessons. Teachers and TAs model planning writing, writing and handwriting. Editing and proofreading skills are modelled by adults and used by the children. 

Displays of writing are used encourage pride in work, give a purpose and audience and to show that work is valued. We are really proud of the writing that can be seen on display around the school at BGL.

Pupils have individual English targets in the front of their English books. These are reviewed and amended regularly.

Penpals Script is used and staff follow the school’s handwriting policy.  

Teachers moderate pupils work in school and in cluster meetings with other schools to ensure accurate assessments are made. 


Pupils enjoy writing for a range of different purposes and audiences.  

A BGL pupil is able to use the features of different genres and styles.

Pupils are proud of their writing and write to the same standard across all curriculum areas. Pupils know that others value their writing; they see it on display, used as WAGOLLs, made into class books, shared on Seesaw with their families etc.

Skills progress (grammar, punctuation & spelling) throughout the school is evident in children’s books.  

Pupils are adventurous with vocabulary choices.  

A range of genres are taught across the school (progressing in difficulty) resulting in pupils being exposed to, and knowledgeable about, literary styles, authors and genres. They can express preferences and give opinions, supported by evidence, about different texts.  

Pupils use classroom resources to support their writing.  

Pupils’ presentation is of a high standard through following the school’s handwriting policy. 

Summative  Assessment
These will be held once a term during assessment weeks and will take the form of:-

End of Key Stage SAT tests in Y2 and Y6 in Reading, Writing and Spelling

PIRA reading tests 

Grammar and Spelling tests in Years 1-6.

An Independent writing assessment piece is completed during the termly assessment week in children’s ‘Wow’ writing books.

Termly assessment and tracking of phonics progress in Reception and Key Stage 1.  More rigorous assessment of Phonics is kept for those children working in a ‘catch up’ programme.

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Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School

Bournes Row, Gregson Lane, Hoghton, Preston Lancashire PR5 0DR

Headteacher: Mrs Kulsum Esa

01254 852 381:office@bgl.lancs.sch.uk