The Governing Body

Welcome to Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School Governing Body


Who are our school governors?

They are just people like you who want to make a positive contribution to our children’s education. Being a school governor is to be part of one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and our governors are all volunteers drawn from different parts of the community; parents, staff, LA, community and others who have skills and experience that they can bring to help the school. The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of our school. Time and time again Ofsted has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management including that of the governing body.

What do governors at BGL do?

At Brindle Gregson Lane we have 9 governors at present, who work in partnership with the Headteacher and the school staff to promote the very highest standards of educational achievement for all of our pupils.

The role of the governing board is a strategic, we aid the planning of the strategic direction of the school and we work closely with the Headteacher and all SLT to ensure that the school is making good progress towards its goals whilst underpinning the school visions and values. In order to do this we have delegated powers and functions for school finances, staffing and school performance. 

Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board, all decisions are the joint responsibility of the whole governing body.

In many ways it is a role that mainly happens behind the scenes and there are many decisions that we make as we work together with the school to make Brindle Gregson Lane the best school it can possibly be.

Governor Diversity 

As a school we recognise that a diversity of thought, voices and perspectives is essential to good governance and the effective running of any organisation. We regularly collect diversity information from our governors and, depending on current data, can use this to:

·         target recruitment to address gaps in experience and diversity

·         develop and adapt board practices to ensure full participation

·         prioritise training and awareness-raising in identified areas

·         address potential ‘blind spots’ through seeking wider advice and perspectives on current and upcoming opportunities, challenges and risks


The below list details all our governors & their roles within the governing body. 


Governors 2023 - 2024 Committees

Name  Category Appointed From Appointed To Nominated Governor Area Resources  Quality of Education
Mrs M Ward

Associate Headteacher 

15/04/2024 31/08/2024



x x
Mrs A Mills 


Co-opted Governor 

15/03/2016 14/03/2028

Safeguarding & Online Safety




Mrs A Hardman 

Vice Chair

Co-opted Governor 

20/12/2018 08/12/2025

Link Training





Mrs C Grimbaldeston Co-opted Governor 12/03/2019 11/03/2027





Mrs L Latham  Co-opted Governor  14/03/2019 27/04/2027



x x
Miss K Pass Staff Governor  01/10/2022 10/10/2026




Dr K Baron

Parent Governor 21/04/2023  20/04/2027 



x x

Mr R Wilkinson

Parent Governor  21/04/2023  20/04/2027  




Mr P Jackson

Parent Governor  21/04/2023   20/04/2027 



Vacancy  Co-opted Governor   


Vacancy  Co-opted Governor   


Vacancy  LA Governor   


Mrs F Parker Co-opted Governor  13/10/2017


Mrs R Beard LA Governor  09/07/2022 05/2024



Mrs J Webster Co-opted Governor  22/01/2018 26/06/2024




Ann Mills, Chair of Governors undertook Safeguarding in educaton, recognising child abuse and neglect and Safeguarding curriculum/online safety training in September 2023. Safeguarding is monitored termly as a standard agenda item within the Buildings, Health and Safety Comittee - all Governors received updated safe gaurding training in school on the 7th September 2023. The last safeguarding and online audit was undertaken by governors was on the 26th February 2024.

The governors of Brindle Gregson Lane can declare that there are no business or financial interests; no governors hold governance roles in other institutions and that there are no material interests arising from relationships between ourselves and school staff (inclusive of spouses, partners and close relatives). 

The Chair of Governors can be contacted c/o school office - 

On the below link you will find a list of governing body meetings for this academic year along with attendances over the previous 12 months. 

You can request a paper copy of any of the information provided on our school website free of charge.

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Brindle Gregson Lane Primary School

Bournes Row, Gregson Lane, Hoghton, Preston Lancashire PR5 0DR

Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Ward

01254 852